martes, 25 de febrero de 2014

How to install Burg (Graphical Grub) in Ubuntu

The purpose of that mini-tutorial is to have a great graphical boot menu in our laptops to have a better great experience using Windows and Linux together.
These steps will work for any other Linux distribution like Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Linux Mint.. etc
You have to install burg in your linux the following steps:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:n-muench/burg
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install burg burg-themes
sudo update-burg
In the following video you can see a demo about Burg. Dual boot Linux and Windows.

Pointers and References C/C++

In this chapter we are going to study:
- Pointers.
- References.
- How to use them.


When we have to create a new variable, we type:
The variable "x" is saved to memory, then memory keep that value in a row.
 If we change the value of the variable "x" like:
int x = x + 100;
Then, the memory row that keeps the last value x = 10, now is changed to x = 110.

How to use

In the following example we can see a few lines of code to study how to use pointers and their operators:
For example, the variable (int *my_pointer) is a variable of pointer type. That kind of variable can keep a memory address that keeps an integer data type.
If we need to know a memory address about another variable or element, we have to use the &(ampersand) operator. In the code we can see how we keep the memory address of variable (int age) to a integer pointer variable (int *my_pointer).
my_pointer = &age;


References are exclusive of C++ language.
int main(void)
   int code;
   int &code2 = code;
   code2 = 5;
In this case, we created a variable called (code) and a reference variable called (code2) that calls (code). Now all operations that we would do with (code2) is performed with the variable (code)
This is a fast and summarized tutorial about pointers and references for C/C++.

Alex -